» » Information session "Learn about Erasmus+"

Information session "Learn about Erasmus+"

Дата: 15-05-2024, 16:11 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On the occasion of the Europe Day, an information session "Learn about Erasmus+" was held at West Ukrainian National University, which was attended by teachers and students of WUNU.

During the event, Erasmus+ participants told the audience about the opportunities of international education and shared their stories of achievements and successes. The girls noted that academic mobility is an investment in personal and professional growth.

In addition to the invaluable learning experience, the participants of the academic mobility got acquainted with the unique cultures of European countries.

The students also stressed that the Erasmus+ programme is an integral part of cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union.

We wish all participants inspiration in developing international educational and scientific cooperation.