» » Europe Day at WUNU!

Europe Day at WUNU!

Дата: 15-05-2024, 16:26 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 As part of the Europe Day, the Office of the Vice-Rector for International Relations organised various events for young people to promote European values.

During the closing ceremony of the Europe Days, the Vice-Rector Uliana Koruts congratulated all the participants and presented awards to the winners of the events.

The 1st place in the video presentation competition went to the team of WUNU campus community activists who presented a video about cultural diversity and unity of the peoples of Europe.

The four fastest and most accurate experts on European realities became the winners of the EuroUnity Instagram quiz.
The Europe Without Borders game-trip was an educational event for students of the PCEEIT of WUNU, which united young people in their desire to develop and change their worldview.

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Research (International Relations) Uliana Koruts expressed her gratitude to all the organisers and participants of the events, noting that such initiatives contribute to the development of international cooperation and mutual understanding between young people from different countries.

We are proud of the active participation of WUNU students in the celebration of Europe Day!