» » American professor William Frick visits WUNU

American professor William Frick visits WUNU

Дата: 16-05-2024, 11:43 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Recently, Dr William Frick, a professor at the University of Oklahoma and the University of Sharjah, visited Ternopil.

During his working visit, Professor William Frick delivered lectures on The Impact of Social Media on the Erosion of Faith in Democracy and Democratic Norms in the United States. He discussed the positioning of social media as a mass media, the dangers of "blocking unwanted opinions", and how stakeholders manipulate people in the media. In his remarks, William Frick said: "American journalist Walter Cronkite used to say that freedom of the press is not only important for democracy, it is, in fact, democracy. It is ironic that now the image of the press is a threat to democratic values."

Students majoring in Business Communications and Translation at the B.D. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations listened to the lectures with enthusiasm, discussed and exchanged views.

Students also conducted an English-language tour of Ternopil for the professor.