» » Working meeting with leading Swiss experts in crisis negotiation

Working meeting with leading Swiss experts in crisis negotiation

Дата: 17-05-2024, 11:58 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The Education and Research Institute of Communications of WUNU actively develops international cooperation and regularly establishes new contacts with the world's leading experts in the field of communications, negotiations and mediation.

Recently, Oksana Koval, Director of the Institute, held a working meeting with a high-profile expert, Professor George Kohlrieser.

As an organisational and clinical psychologist and professor of leadership and organisational behaviour at the International Institute of Management Development (IMD), and author of numerous bestsellers, George Kohlrieser focuses his research on high performance leadership, teamwork, conflict management, dialogue and negotiation. His expertise extends to the work of police psychologists and hostage negotiators, where he focuses on aggression management and negotiation.

As the head of the High Performance Leadership Programme at IMD, he has moved from clinical psychology and crisis negotiation to executive education and corporate leadership. Through his work, prof. Kohlrieser has contributed significantly to the understanding of how self-awareness, self-control and social dialogue play a critical role in helping leaders maintain high performance through continuous learning.

Matthias Herter, founder and CEO of MSH Advice & Training, a negotiation consultancy, former head of the Crisis Management and Negotiation Unit of the Swiss Federal Police, former president of the European Network of Advisory Groups on Kidnapping, Hostage Taking and Extortion, and Anastasia Martynevych, coordinator of international activities at the Education and Research Institute of Communications of WUNU, joined the meeting.

The parties discussed the prospects for further cooperation, opportunities to participate in grant and government projects, and the creation of a joint platform for educational and scientific development.

This meeting is an important step for the development of the academic and practical sphere of communications and negotiations at West Ukrainian National University, as well as an opportunity to enrich the educational process with new approaches and knowledge.