» » Dear students of West Ukrainian National University!

Dear students of West Ukrainian National University!

Дата: 17-11-2024, 18:33 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Congratulations on the International Students' Day, a celebration of youth, energy and tireless pursuit of knowledge!

Student years are an amazing time of big dreams, important discoveries and the first serious steps towards professional development. You are the future of our country, a source of innovation, change and inspiration, our victory. Your ideas, perseverance and belief in yourself make this world a better place and give you confidence in the future – you're going to go far!

Our university is so proud of you! You're smart, talented, active, patriotic and purposeful. You're an integral part of our large university family, and we're here to support you in all your endeavours and help you reach the heights of success!

Let your student days be filled with bright events, interesting acquaintances and unforgettable moments! I wish you all the inspiration, perseverance and success in your studies that you could possibly imagine!

We are strong, we are united, we are invincible!

Glory to Ukraine!

Rector of WUNU - Oksana Desyatnyuk