» » Joint School ‘Global Inclusive Economy’ on the topic of European circular economy

Joint School ‘Global Inclusive Economy’ on the topic of European circular economy

Дата: 1-11-2024, 15:29 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 From September 18 to October 30, 2024, West Ukrainian National University and Ternopil City Council held the Joint School ‘Global Inclusive Economy: The Way to Common Development’ on the topic of European circular economy within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module 101085640 - EICEPPMU - ‘European Inclusive Circular Economy: Post-War & Post-Pandemic Module for Ukraine’.

The project was implemented by the faculty of the Department of International Economic Relations and the Department of International Economics for the students of the International Economics, International Management and International Business study programmes. The intensive course covered six modules, the theoretical part of which was held at WUNU (Ternopil) and the practical part in Yablunytsia village (Ivano-Frankivsk region).

All 64 participants of the Joint School completed the advanced training course and received the relevant certificates. The certificates were presented on 31 October 2024 at the main building of WUNU.

Opening the event, Roman Zvarych (EICEPPMU Project Contact Person), Head of the Department of International Economic Relations, outlined the main stages of the EICEPPMU Module implementation and introduced the main stakeholders of the Joint School.

Viktor Ostroverkhov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Research of WUNU, welcomed the participants, outlining the importance of the project as part of the implementation of the Eco-University Concept and emphasised the effectiveness of cooperation between students and faculty within the project.

Yuriy Deyneka, Head of the City Development Department of the Ternopil City Council, also welcomed the participants, emphasising the importance of implementing joint projects between local authorities and educational institutions involving young people and noting the relevance of applying the circular economy concept in the development strategy of Ternopil.

Iryna Zvarych (EICEPPMU Project Expert), Head of the Department of International Economics, summed up the results of the joint school, outlining the vectors of circular economy implementation in Ukraine and the region, calling on everyone to take practical steps to implement it, and summed up the results of the joint school and the prospects for its future.

The organisers and participants of the Joint School were satisfied with the calibre and quality of the event and agreed to hold future events involving a wider range of participants.