» » A series of webinars ‘War and Post-War Challenges for Ukrainian Jurisprudence‘

A series of webinars ‘War and Post-War Challenges for Ukrainian Jurisprudence‘

Дата: 5-11-2024, 12:43 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The Ukrainian Hub of the European Law Institute, which operates at the Law Faculty of West Ukrainian National University, is organising a series of webinars ‘War and Post-War Challenges for Ukrainian Jurisprudence’.

This series of events is dedicated to the complex legal issues that arise during and after a conflict, with a particular focus on the situation in Ukraine.

Lawyers and scholars will discuss effective strategies for upholding justice and restoring the rule of law.

Each meeting aims to facilitate dialogue and present innovative legal solutions to address the current challenges facing Ukraine.
We look forward to an interesting discussion!