Representatives of WUNU took part in the creative project GOGREEN TERNOPIL: a creative journey
The cooperation of WUNU scientists with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine continues. Recently, another event - ‘GoGreen Ternopil: A Creative Journey’ - was held to promote innovation and creativity in community development by exploring the potential of green transformation hubs as vibrant, inclusive and sustainable centres. The event aimed to leverage the achievements of existing initiatives and stimulate new ideas for community-driven green transformations.
Representatives of the educational and professional programme 141 ‘Energy Audit’ of the Education and Research Institute of Innovation, Nature Management and Infrastructure of West Ukrainian National University, Olha Zavytii and Mykola Horlachuk, took part in the creative project GOGREEN TERNOPIL, held at the new modern space ‘Open Space Ternopil’, which resulted in the opening of a green hub.
By engaging local authorities, non-governmental organisations, community groups, international partners and academics, the event organisers aim to jointly develop sustainable development strategies for these hubs, share best practices in energy efficiency and offer practical training activities that demonstrate the real-world application of sustainable practices, particularly for students - future energy auditors.
The Mayor of Ternopil, Serhiy Nadal, opened the event with a speech. After an overview of the goals and objectives of the event, a portfolio of sustainable transformations of Ternopil developed as part of the M4EG project was presented.
The session on the development of the Green Hub concept in our city was very successful, with active discussion of NGO involvement and intensification of cross-sectoral cooperation, main areas of joint work, resource mobilisation and donor engagement strategies. The section was attended by 40 people: representatives of government agencies, the business community, the Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine Association, the Association of Ukrainian Cities, the Covenant of Mayors - East, and others.
The main outcome of the discussions is the creation of a draft vision or roadmap for the further development of green transformation hubs across Ukraine as a unified approach to the green transformation of Ukrainian cities in the process of Ukraine's European integration.
The Ternopil region, with its unique socio-economic context, is a valuable investment opportunity to build local capacity, establish sustainable partnerships and inspire a new wave of environmental and energy initiatives that are inclusive, innovative and sustainable, and that engage different community groups to achieve recreation, education, sports, science and social cohesion through participatory approaches to green, inclusive and intelligent transformation of social space.