» » Call for applications for the EU Study Days-2025 Online School

Call for applications for the EU Study Days-2025 Online School

Дата: 8-01-2025, 15:58 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine invites high school, undergraduate and postgraduate students to take part in EU Study Days, an educational project that opens up opportunities for deeper learning about the European Union and EU-Ukraine relations.

What is EU Study Days?
It is an educational project implemented in 2022-2025 with the support of the NGO Youth Alternative, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics. The project unites Ukrainian youth by facilitating the creation of a network for the exchange of experience, cooperation and implementation of joint initiatives.

What does the programme offer?
Participants will have a unique opportunity to:

Listen to lectures from leading European and Ukrainian experts, diplomats and specialists.
Learn about the history of the EU, the functions of its main institutions, values and achievements of the European Union.
Gain insights into Ukraine's European integration, the principles of accession to the EU, and the support provided to Ukraine by the EU (military, humanitarian, economic and financial).
Get acquainted with the EU programmes aimed at helping Ukraine rebuild after the war.
Develop practical skills necessary for a successful career.
The programme also includes active discussions, live communication, as well as introduction to educational and cultural opportunities for young people in the EU.

Eligibility requirements:

For schoolchildren: to be a student of the 9-11th grade, to be interested in European integration.
For students and postgraduates: age 18-25, knowledge of English (B2/C1).
Willingness to successfully complete all 10 online modules of the programme.

What are the benefits of participating in the programme?
Participants who complete the programme in full will receive a certificate worth 3 ECTS credits, indicating the duration of the course and the modules studied. Partner universities can credit this certificate as part of their academic disciplines.

The selection process includes two stages:

Evaluation of the submitted applications.
Online testing on the EU Study Days platform.

How to apply?
The call for applications and details of participation are available on the EU Delegation's website:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/UGoTAMWqgzLh3K9i/?mibextid=WC7FNe 
Official website of the project: https://www.eustudydays.in.ua/2024/12/09/ogolosheno-nabir-na-navchannya-2025/

Don't miss out on the opportunity to expand your horizons and join the community of active youth in Ukraine!