» » Student of the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy participated in the Leaders of Change Foundation programme

Student of the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy participated in the Leaders of Change Foundation programme

Дата: 29-01-2025, 12:40 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Olha Lebedovych, a student majoring in International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies (group MVSK-31), brand ambassador of the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy, has been selected for the Study Tours to Poland (STP) programme.

This initiative is implemented by the Leaders of Change Foundation with the support of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation in cooperation with the Borussia Foundation and Level Up.

Olha has shared her thoughts on the trip: ‘Our trip to Poland was an incredible experience of immersion in local life, culture and communication with inspiring people from different countries. Together, we discovered unique places and learned from the experience that can already be applied in Ukraine.'

'As part of the programme, we visited the town of Łowicz near Łódź, where we explored the iconic triangular market square, discovered the Button Museum and learnt about the functioning of the Town Hall. Lunch at the restaurant where Napoleon Bonaparte is said to have dined added a special charm to the day. We also took part in a masterclass on creating traditional Polish accessories, which allowed us to better understand Polish culture.'

'In Lodz, we visited the University of Lodz, where we learned about the opportunities for student projects, such as the Investor Student Club. We also visited the Artincubator, a centre where creativity is combined with entrepreneurship, the Regional Volunteer Centre CENTERKO, a space for volunteer development, and the MEMO Media Library, an innovative combination of a library and a cultural centre, and other important locations.'

'Each day of the programme was full of different activities: workshops on the EU, training on film production, and introduction to local grant programmes. We explored the history of the city of Łódź, visited the Rose Passage, the All Saints' Day Catholic cemetery and other places of interest. The programme culminated in a culture night where participants presented their cities and treated each other to national dishes.'