» » Participate in the competitive selection for semester studies at the University of Prešov (Slovak Republic)

Participate in the competitive selection for semester studies at the University of Prešov (Slovak Republic)

Дата: 4-02-2025, 13:28 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The University of Prešov (Prešov, Slovak Republic) invites students of West Ukrainian National University enrolled in the educational programmes ‘Psychology’ and ‘Negotiation and Mediation’ to apply to study at their university in the second semester of the 2024/2025 academic year.

The call is organised within the framework of the ERASMUS+ academic mobility project KA171.

All applicants must submit a set of documents to the International Relations Office (WUNU Building 1, room 1222) by 12:00 on 7 February 2025.

CV: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScMtxRAKQXFX8HssMXYLN336LThvIlEYOWUln2bEDoXd19xKQ/viewform 
motivation letter (in English);
letter of recommendation;
a copy of the first page of the foreign passport;
certificate of foreign language proficiency (if any).

We wish good luck to all participants! We hope that this experience will be an important step in your academic and professional growth!