» » Knowledge Day in Ternopil National Economic University

Knowledge Day in Ternopil National Economic University

Дата: 3-09-2018, 13:00 | Автор: Office of Public Relations and Information

 On the 1st of September, per tradition, the TNEU Maidan of Knowledge was buzzing with noise. A large university community has gathered in order to officially commence a new school year. Different colored flags of faculties and institutes blazed in the sky, sincere smiles and friendly laughter filled the air - it was clear that TNEU was full of life, as after warm summer holidays the best young people of Ukraine returned to the institution!

Students, faculty members, parents and guests were welcomed by the rector of TNEU, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor Andriy Krysovatyy, head of the Ternopil regional state administration Stepan Barna, city mayor Serhii Nadal, deputy head of Ternopil customs Andrii Savaryn, Archbishop of Ternopil and Kremenets Nestor, priest of the parish of St. Panteleimon,  Father Vasyl Chamarnyk, vice-rectors of TNEU, deans of faculties and directors of institutes, colleges of TNEU.

Honorary right to carry the State Flag of Ukraine was granted to the students of the TNEU Training Center for Reserve Officers. The attendants honored the memory of the Heroes of Ukraine who gave their lives for their country with a minute of silence.

This day was special for the first-year students who met with their groupmates, teachers, and administration of the university for the first time. The rector greeted and presented memorable gifts to first-year university students who received the highest results of the External Independent Evaluation.

Gifts from the rector - flags and coats of arms, which are the main symbol of educational structural divisions, became a pleasant present for staff of faculties, institute and college.

This year, a foreign student of TNEU, a citizen of the Comoros, Anrfidine Dananir, made a speech and stressed that he would be proud to study at the Ternopil National Economic University and work hard to ensure that in the future, he'll contribute to the welfare of his native country.

Today, we wish energy and inspiration, dedication and perseverance, faith in our own strength and confidence in future endeavours to the whole academic community of Ternopil National Economic University. May this year be rich in significant achievements, interesting acquaintances and brilliant victories!