» » TNEU will test dissertations for plagiarism using the online service "Unicheck"

TNEU will test dissertations for plagiarism using the online service "Unicheck"

Дата: 26-09-2018, 09:00 | Автор: Office of Public Relations and Information

 Ternopil National Economic University promotes adherence to the principles of academic integrity. From now on, TNEU will test dissertations for plagiarism using the online service "Unicheck", which is already successfully being used by more than 90 Ukrainian and 350 foreign educational institutions.

On September 25, 2018, the Memorandum providing access to the Unicheck service (https://unicheck.com/) was signed by the rector of TNEU, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Andriy Krysovatyy and Director of the "Антиплагіат" LLC (Unicheck Plagiarism Search Service ) Andrii Sidliarenko.