» » Students of the Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Management joined a charity drive

Students of the Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Management joined a charity drive

Дата: 18-04-2020, 13:28 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Students of the HZ-11 group of the Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Management joined the charity event "Home is Where Your Heart is", conducted by TYT "Bohoslov" in order to help lonely elderly people, children in need and poor families.

On Maundy Thursday Fr. Vasyl Makoiid from the church of St. John consecrated the food for the Easter celebration on Sunday. In this way, Easter will be a joyous holiday for those in need and they will feel that they are not alone, that there is someone to whom they are not indifferent.