» » Become a representative of Ukrainian youth at the UN General Assembly in New York!

Become a representative of Ukrainian youth at the UN General Assembly in New York!

Дата: 14-05-2020, 10:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The staff of the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy of the B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Economic Relations announces a unique opportunity for young people - to participate in the selection of Youth Delegates of Ukraine to the UN to represent the country at the General Assembly in New York!

Youth delegate of Ukraine to the UN is:

- an annual year-long programme to represent Ukrainian youth in the world and disseminate the Sustainable Development Goals;

- experience of representing the country at the UN and the opportunity to learn from Ukrainian diplomats;
- networking with the most active youth of the world;
- development in the fields of public diplomacy, project management, communications and analytics.

Applicants must:
- be citizens of Ukraine;
- be 20-27 years;
- be proficient in English;

- have experience in the youth sphere.

In order to apply, you must:
1. Fill out the online form: forms.gle/Ky38z2VBrZGCwGng6

2. Download and fill in the application form (having completed the tasks in it): bit.ly/3bwy3sm

3. Prepare a 1-page CV
4. Combine the application and CV into one PDF-document, name it following "LastName_FirstName UN Youth Delegate Application 2020" template and send it to ua.youthdelegate.un@gmail.com

If you want to represent Ukrainian youth at the international level in 2020/21 - fill out and send the application by June 12. The language of the online form, application form and CV is English.

Good luck!