» » The Baltic University Programme organizes an international online forum and symposium

The Baltic University Programme organizes an international online forum and symposium

Дата: 17-08-2020, 22:28 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 We invite you to participate in the international online forum and symposium organized by BUP (Baltic University Programme, a member of which is Ternopil National Economic University).

On August 25-26, the online forum "Research and Innovation for a Sustainable Baltic Sea Region" will take place. More details at the link: https://www.bupsymposium2020.se/theme-sessions

The 5th World Symposium on sustainable development at universities "Universities, Sustainability and Society: Supporting the Realization of Sustainable Development Goals" will be held on August 27-28.

Registration at the link: https://doit.medfarm.uu.se/kurt16511