» » Our university is the leader in the number of applicants in the Western region!

Our university is the leader in the number of applicants in the Western region!

Дата: 28-08-2020, 11:50 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The information resource Osvita.UA published a rating of the TOP-100 most popular universities among entrants, which includes higher education institutions-leaders in the number of applicants who enter on the basis of complete general secondary education. West Ukrainian National University is a leader in the Western region, and is 33rd among all of Ukraine!

The rating takes into account all applications from entrants to obtain Bachelor's and Master's degrees on the basis of complete general secondary education in all modes of education as of August 26, 2020.

According to the Information System "Вступ.OSVITA.UA", which publishes rankings of entrants, more than 1 million 568 thousand applications were submitted during the admission campaign of 2020 to institutions of higher and professional higher education.

We sincerely congratulate the staff of our university with a significant achievement and thank the entrants for their trust! We are convinced that your dreams will come true at West Ukrainian National University. See you in class!