» » Meeting with the Honorary Consul of Hungary in Ukraine, President of the Podoliany Charitable Foundation Tetiana Chubak

Meeting with the Honorary Consul of Hungary in Ukraine, President of the Podoliany Charitable Foundation Tetiana Chubak

Дата: 4-09-2020, 11:05 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On September 2, an interactive lecture on "Cultural diplomacy: Soft power!" took place within the framework of the youth portal "Education Territory", which recently kicked off at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of West Ukrainian National University. The Honorary Consul of Hungary in Ukraine, President of the Podolyany Charitable Foundation Tetyana Chubak was the speaker.

Students had the opportunity to learn about the features of cultural diplomacy, its types, goals, objectives, methods of implementation. The speaker noted that the international reputation and security of the country are formed through cultural diplomacy.

The launch of new projects was also announced, one of which is the search for a sister city for Ternopil in Hungary to facilitate more intensive cooperation.

Tetiana Chubak's proposal for students of the faculty to become volunteers at cultural, artistic and sports events in the future will be a great opportunity for them to apply their knowledge and skills in practice.