» » The Faculty of Law of West Ukrainian National University has joined an international project of global importance

The Faculty of Law of West Ukrainian National University has joined an international project of global importance

Дата: 9-09-2020, 11:45 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The Covid-19 pandemic is spreading across the planet, and scientists around the world have joined forces to study the legal experience of foreign countries in the fight against coronavirus. The project is registered in the World Pandemic Research Network https://wprn.org/item/444252 "Coronavirus and the Law in Europe".

Svitlana Mazepa, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure, Economic Security and Law Enforcement, conducts research in the field of criminal law "COVID-19 AND ITS IMPACT ON UKRAINIAN CRIMINAL LAW".

Read more: https://www.intersentiaonline.com/bundle/coronavirus-and-the