» » New approaches to education at West Ukrainian National University

New approaches to education at West Ukrainian National University

Дата: 14-09-2020, 18:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Today, September 14, the educational process for first-year students of West Ukrainian National University began. The academic year started unusually, as due to quarantine restrictions it kicks off remotely. The day began with a video address from the rector of WUNU Andriy Krysovatyy, who wished the first years to be brave and steadfast, set ambitious goals, dream, win and take care of their health!

West Ukrainian National University uses the latest version of the MOODLE educational platform which is supplemented by additional modules that allow us to significantly expand the capabilities of the platform and tailor it to the needs of our university. ZOOM and Microsoft Teams video conferencing services are also actively used at the university.

The university's own educational platform combines all available services for student education. This expands the communicative capabilities of participants, opens access to our own educational resources, analytical data, as well as world's leading libraries. The latest version is adapted for Android and iOS devices.