» » Digital Support Week starts at West Ukrainian National University!

Digital Support Week starts at West Ukrainian National University!

Дата: 12-09-2020, 11:55 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Are you a first-year student? Do you think that you were unlucky because of the quarantine? We will change your mind! West Ukrainian National University invites all first years to participate in Digital Support Week!

You will be able to experience the new online learning and understand its capabilities and benefits. As part of the project, you will meet the deans of faculties and directors of institutes, student activists, learn all about access to electronic resources of the university and effective learning. You will also have the opportunity to take a virtual tour of the university, after which you will never get lost looking for the correct floor or room!

We start on September 14 at 2.30 pm!

Join the Digital Support Week on the official YouTube channel of the university www.youtube.com/c/TNEUTV