» » West Ukrainian National University brought together scientists from all over the world for the Second International Week!

West Ukrainian National University brought together scientists from all over the world for the Second International Week!

Дата: 23-09-2020, 17:14 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 I-WEEK’2020 continues at the Classical University of Ternopil! The event is a unique opportunity to exchange views and experiences with foreign partners, establish new contacts, participate in discussions, panels, and lectures.

Although this year's I-WEEK at West Ukrainian National University is conducted online, the scale of the event was not affected. On the first day of the work, the participants had the opportunity to talk with the Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Slovenia , the Republic of South Africa, and the Republic of Turkey.

The ambassadors of foreign countries congratulated the staff of the university on obtaining the classic status and expressed readiness for active international cooperation. For three days, scientists, practitioners, community and public figures from 18 countries (Georgia, Latvia, Poland, Armenia, Romania, China, Bulgaria, Greece, Germany, Czech Republic, Turkey, Netherlands, Ecuador, Croatia, Sri Lanka, DR Congo, USA, Austria) give lectures, moderate the work of discussion platforms and panels, video conferences, workshops, participate in forums, sessions.

The topics of the meetings include:
- presentation of the activities of international spring and winter schools;
- European regional policy;
- Internet of Things for industrial and public use;
- inter-domain competencies for healthy and safe work in the XXI century;
- international cooperation in the post-pandemic world;
- public finance and economics;
- the impact of climate change on sustainable development;
- innovation management;
- international scholarship programs;
- University of the Future;
- business abroad: legal aspects and cultural features;
- learning in the digital age;
- gender aspects of digital readiness and human capital development in the regions;
- international educational projects and programs;
- leadership;
- the latest educational practices and much more.

The International Week at West Ukrainian National University is being held for the second time. The First International Week took place in September 2019. The program of events I-WEEK’2020 can be found on the WUNU official website.