» » Discussion platform "Features of international cooperation in a pandemic"

Discussion platform "Features of international cooperation in a pandemic"

Дата: 23-09-2020, 14:00 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The Faculty of Economics and Management invites everyone to take part in the discussion platform "Features of international cooperation in a pandemic" on September 24 at 16.00. The event will take place as part of the Second International Week at WUNU.

Discussion platform moderators:

Associate Professor Viktor Ostroverkhov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management of WUNU;

Professor Hryhorii Monastyrskyi, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Department of Management, Public Administration and Personnel of WUNU, visiting professor of the University of Economics in Bydgoszcz (Republic of Poland).

Discussion areas:
- risks of weakening or stopping the interaction of international partners in a pandemic;
- barriers to the implementation of international cooperation in a crisis and the possibility of remote international cooperation;
- experience of international communications of partner organizations during global restrictions;
- the potential of internationalization of educational-scientific and cultural-educational-process: technologies of activation;
- strategic directions of restoration and development of international cooperation in the post-pandemic period.

Special guests:
Igor Revega, certified speaker, coach and trainer from the John Maxwell Team, founder of the Igor Revega Leadership Academy;
Oksana Sytnytska, Deputy Mayor of Ostroh for Humanitarian Affairs.

Venue: Rector's meeting room, WUNU building No.1 (Ternopil, 11 Lvivska Street). You can join the discussion platform via the ZOOM video conferencing service: Meeting ID: 653 983 8272; Password: 2020.