» » Ternopil Business School students will be taught by an expert on legal issues of intellectual property and private international law

Ternopil Business School students will be taught by an expert on legal issues of intellectual property and private international law

Дата: 30-09-2020, 15:53 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The September training module at the Ternopil Business School of West Ukrainian National University has started. The first course in the module is "Business Law". This year, for the first time, the TBS team invited Taras Chornii, an expert on intellectual property and private international law, to teach a course.

Taras is the Chief Intellectual Property Expert at Ukroboronprom, a legal advisor to Crowdin, and an external international law advisor at Hlovak and Partners Law Firm. Among his employers and clients are The World Bank, The European, Union, Deloitte, British American Tobacco, Shell, Auchan, LGE, Nemiroff, FC Metalist, United Media Holding.

We are proud that the team of teachers of Ternopil Business School manages to unite leading Ukrainian experts who, sharing the values of the classical university of Ternopil, gladly agree to work with young people.