» » For the first time in Ukraine, WUNU has opened online language courses for students from China

For the first time in Ukraine, WUNU has opened online language courses for students from China

Дата: 12-10-2020, 12:45 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Today, West Ukrainian National University, in cooperation with Chinese partners, hosted an online opening ceremony of language courses for undergraduate and graduate students from China. The ceremony was attended by the Rector of the classical University of Ternopil, Professor Andriy Krysovatyy and the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Research (International Activity), Professor Oksana Desyatnyuk.

On behalf of the Chinese partners, Wang Yitan, Chairman of Jiangnan Silk Road Culture Exchange Center and the One Belt One Road International Training Center, addressed the participants.

30 undergraduates and 2 graduate students from China will take part in language courses. During the opening ceremony, they also had the opportunity to meet teachers and supervisors who will coordinate the training.