» » Law students! Do not miss a cool trip!

Law students! Do not miss a cool trip!

Дата: 12-10-2020, 13:00 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 If you are an active and creative student of the Faculty of Law of West Ukrainian National University, you should see how you fare according to the following 10 criteria:

- Have you participated in the student LIRA? 
- Have you participated in the competition of student research papers?
- Have you participated in international projects?
- Have you participated in internships?
- Have you participated in intellectual competitions?
- Have you participated in sports competitions?
- Have you had your research papers published?
- Have you given speeches at conferences?
- Have you achieved excellent learning results?
- Have you participated in charitable projects?

Can you complete the checklist? Then you have the opportunity to take part in a cool trip to Kyiv, during which you will:

- Have morning coffee with the Minister of Justice
- Have lunch with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Exchange of views with the leadership of the Supreme Court
- Attend an afterparty in the museum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Fill in the registration form at the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScf4CujidqFkI-rKyyxRoEiIa3Jwrkvgm1-trIzFzWJJCyeAw/viewform

Take part in an extraordinary journey!
Seats are limited.