» » Training Project "Intensive courses in English language and computer information technology" for ATO / JFO soldiers, residents of Ternopil and Ternopil region

Training Project "Intensive courses in English language and computer information technology" for ATO / JFO soldiers, residents of Ternopil and Ternopil region

Дата: 15-10-2020, 13:07 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 In August 2020, Education and Research Center for Foreign Language studies of West Ukrainian National University launched a training project "Intensive courses in English and computer information technology" (in English) for 70 ATO / JFO soldiers, residents of Ternopil and Ternopil region within the framework of social programs to support ATO / JFO soldiers.

It is worth noting that all servicemen are determined and motivated, which is a guarantee for further improvement of their knowledge, skills and abilities.

Upon completion of the training, students will receive certificates of advanced training of the state standard, as well as a bilingual certificate of English language proficiency in accordance with the European recommendations on language education. Thanks to the cooperation between WUNU and public organizations, as well as veterans' unions, this educational campaign has been implemented since April 2017 with the aim of professional and social adaptation of former and active military personnel.