Дата: 22-10-2020, 14:26 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 From now on, Moodle WUNU, the educational platform of West Ukrainian National University, is available for use through Moodle Mobile. You can use the application on most popular mobile platforms, such as Android, iOS and Windows Phone.

To download it, all you need to do is go to your app store and download Moodle Mobile by entering its name in the search box.

When you first log in to the mobile application, you should enter the address moodle.wunu.edu.ua

Using the mobile app, you can:

- View the content of your courses, even offline;
- Quickly find and contact different participants of the course;
- Monitor your results;
- Receive instant notifications about any events on the site;
- Upload images, audio, video and other files from your mobile device;
- Take tests, write messages on forums.

A more detailed list of changes can be found here. (https://docs.moodle.org/33/en/Moodle_Mobile_features)

An extremely important feature of the Moodle Mobile app is the ability to work with course content without network access. This will allow students who are in the area without Internet access to stay active and learn.

Moodle Mobile has push-messages that will help you receive up-to-date notifications about activity on the WUNU educational platform.