» » WUNU students and DAAD academic exchange

WUNU students and DAAD academic exchange

Дата: 23-10-2020, 12:04 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Ivan Vankevych and Myroslav Korytskyi, students of B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations of West Ukrainian National University, have returned from a semester study at Dresden Technical University (Germany) under the DAAD exchange programme.

Their interest in the German-language International Economics started when they were first-year students. While studying at the Ukrainian-German faculty-program, students had the opportunity to understand the complex relationships between the national economy, regional and global economic structures. As a result, they acquired the skills to analyze current economic processes, identify problems and find ways to solve them, had the opportunity to receive language training, as well as to study economic disciplines in German. The disciplines were taught by both professors of West Ukrainian National University and Dresden Technical University.

In the future, Ivan and Myroslav plan to complete their studies at WUNU and enter a master's degree program at a German university.

The boys recommend students who want to take part in the DAAD exchange program not to waste time, learn languages and be interested in international exchange programs from the first year!