» » Congratulations on the Austrian National Day!

Congratulations on the Austrian National Day!

Дата: 26-10-2020, 13:11 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Dear Partners!

On behalf of the teaching staff and students of West Ukrainian National University - Classical University of Ternopil, please accept my sincere congratulations on the Austrian National Day!

We appreciate our partnership and friendly relations with the Embassy of Austria in Ukraine, partner universities, fellow scientists.

We sincerely wish you health, good fortune, prosperity, peace, benevolent destiny, strength and zeal in all your endeavors. May exhilarating work inspire you to new accomplishments, good deeds, in the name of the prosperity of the Republic of Austria, a sure guarantee of the well-being and happy life of its people.

We believe that comprehensive cooperation between Ukraine and Austria will continue to develop fruitfully in the interests of the peoples of our countries.

Rector of West Ukrainian National University - Andriy Krysovatyy.