» » Join intensive courses in English, German, Polish and French languages

Join intensive courses in English, German, Polish and French languages

Дата: 27-10-2020, 16:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Education and Research Center for the Study of Foreign Languages of West Ukrainian National University offers intensive courses in the study of English, German, Polish and French for students of all higher education institutions in the city of Ternopil.

The training groups at the Center are formed after preliminary testing of future students to ensure that each group corresponds to only one level in the framework set out by the Council of Europe. The training of students is carried out according to various communicative programs of in-depth study of foreign languages with the provision of an appropriate certificate in accordance with the European recommendations on language education. Group sizes: 5, 8 or 10 people.

If you want to participate, please send the following information to the Center's e-mail address (centrinozmov@tneu.edu.ua) by October 30, 2020:

- Full Name;
- academic group (and university);
- phone number;

For additional information, please contact the Education and Research Center for the Study of Foreign Languages at: 3 Maidan Peremohy (WUNU Building #3, office 3107), tel: (0352) 47-50-50 * 13-148 or 067-708- 73-29; e-mail: centrinozmov@tneu.edu.ua.