» » Congratulations to our Czech partners on the national holiday!

Congratulations to our Czech partners on the national holiday!

Дата: 28-10-2020, 13:04 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Dear friends!

On behalf of the teaching staff and students of West Ukrainian National University, please accept my sincere congratulations on the Czech Republic national holiday - the Day of the founding of an independent state!

We highly value and respect our friendly, partner relations and are working on the development of new vectors of cooperation. We believe that such a hard-working and wise nation will conquer any obstacle on its way to the desired goals.

We sincerely wish you peace, progress and prosperity in all areas of activity. May your fruitful work bring the desired result, which will inspire new endeavors in the name of the native land. We hope that educational, scientific and cultural cooperation between Ukraine and the Czech Republic will continue to develop in the interests of the peoples of our countries.

Rector of West Ukrainian National University - Andriy Krysovatyy