» » We sincerely congratulate the partners from the Republic of Turkey on the national holiday!

We sincerely congratulate the partners from the Republic of Turkey on the national holiday!

Дата: 29-10-2020, 13:23 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Dear partners!

On behalf of the teaching staff and students of West Ukrainian National University - Classical University of Ternopil, please accept my sincere congratulations on the Republic Day!

We highly appreciate our cooperation, which we are convinced will develop, expand and replenish with new interesting projects. Today we wish you to always be content lords of your land - free, wealthy, wise and happy.

On this grand day, we sincerely wish you health and happiness, prosperity and welfare, good luck and success. Celebrating with you, we wish you enthusiasm and perseverance to firmly pave the way to an even happier future!

Rector of West Ukrainian National University