» » Head of Ternopil Regional State Administration met the administration of the classical university of Ternopil

Head of Ternopil Regional State Administration met the administration of the classical university of Ternopil

Дата: 3-11-2020, 19:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Volodymyr Trush, Head of Ternopil Regional State Administration, made a working visit to West Ukrainian National University today.

He met with the faculty of the Classical University of Ternopil and took part in a meeting of the administration. During the dialogue, the participants spoke about the organization of distance learning, the scientific activity of the teaching staff and the implementation of the strategy for the development of higher education in Ukraine.

Volodymyr Trush had the opportunity to visit the Negociations and Diplomacy Conference Hall and see how the training is conducted via the MOODLE platform, went to the Electronic Resources Hall, which offers access to the best libraries in Europe and talked to the director of B. Havrylyshyn ERI of International Relations, Iryna Ivashchuk, who spoke about the ongoing international projects of WUNU. During the conversation, the participants discussed the accommodation of students in dormitories and their sports leisure. Head of Ternopil Regional State Administration promised to support the university staff in its efforts to build a swimming pool on the campus, as the health of the nation is the main priority of the state.

Head of Ternopil Regional State Administration awarded certificates of the regional state administration to Liudmyla Krainiak (Associate Professor, Acting Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Information and Communication Technologies of Economic Sciences) and Iryna Ivashchuk (Professor, Director of B. Havrylyshyn ERIIR) for many years of conscientious work, high professionalism and significant personal contribution to the training and education of highly qualified personnel.