» » Presentation of WUNU Leadership Development Center

Presentation of WUNU Leadership Development Center

Дата: 12-11-2020, 11:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On November 11, the Leadership Development Center of West Ukrainian National University was officially opened in the Rector's Conference Hall. The presentation was made by its Head - the executive director of the John Maxwell team, business coach, graduate student of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Trade of WUNU Igor Reveha.

The event was attended by leaders, politicians, public figures, entrepreneurs, managers, scientists and students of  the Classical University of Ternopil. Welcoming speeches were offered by Rector of WUNU Andriy Krysovatyy, deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the 9th convocation, member of the parliamentary group "For the Future", Ukrainian businessman and politician Ivan Tchaikivskyi, deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the 9th convocation, member of WUNU Supervisory Board Liudmyla Marchenko, and Chairman of the Board of the Interbank Currency Exchange, Chairman of WUNU Supervisory Board, Doctor of Economics, Professor Anatolii Hulei.

The honored guests of the meeting also included: economist, politician, soldier, public figure, deputy of the Ternopil regional council Volodymyr Boleshchuk, Serhii Lesniak, a lecturer in master's and management development programs at "LvBS", director of "M&M Pasific Technologies" (Shanghai) and a member of the advisory board of "Lucid Reality Labs", founder of the equestrian club "BAYKOV", director of LLC "MOST-Ukraine" Oleksandr Tverdokhlib, "Helpware" training and staff development manager Andriy Orikhovskyi.

The center was created in order to implement the stages of training specialists at all levels in the educational process so that students are able to form leadership skills, to create a socio-cultural matrix of leadership qualities that will be useful to everyone in public life. This will allow graduates of higher education institutions to become more competitive in modern society.

The main mission is to increase the level of self-awareness, to develop leadership qualities and to positively influence the development of leaders in the field of public administration, business, education, mass media, culture and art.

The discussion platform was moderated by the Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management Viktor Ostroverkhov and Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Trade, Deputy Dean of FEM for International and Innovation Activity Turchyn Liuba.