» » Dear students!

Dear students!

Дата: 17-11-2020, 14:17 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Please accept my sincere congratulations on the occasion of the International Student Day - a holiday that is associated with youth, romance, a great desire to reach the heights of recognition and self-affirmation.

Student life is a time of hopes and achievements, professional determination, time of choosing one's future path. These are also the happiest years of youth, ardent love, hopes and dreams. To be a student is to believe in your own strength.

May the unique student years, times of exhilarating work and friendship inspire amazing accomplishments. Always be at the top and meet the high demands of modern life. I wish you, young, beautiful, persistent, ambitious and brave people to confidently achieve goals and new heights of success.

Let the fire of creativity, perseverance, hope and love burn in your hearts, and let your energy and inexhaustible potential contribute to the further development of Ukraine!

WUNU Rector

Andriy Krysovatyy