Faculty of Economics and Management

Andrii Kotsur

Acting Dean of Faculty of Economics and Management
Associate Professor
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Contact Information:
Address: 3 Peremohy Square, (WUNU Building 3, room 3103), Ternopil, 46020
Phone(0352) 51-75-36*13-274
Email: feu@wunu.edu.ua

Faculty of Economics and Management



 The staff of the Faculty of Economics and Management of WUNU trains specialists in the following educational programs:

- Analytical economics

- Economics and business management

- Economics and business management

- Marketing

- Management

- Management of health care institutions

- Entrepreneurship and trade
- Public management and administration
- Trade business and logistics
- Human resources management

 After graduating from the Faculty of Economics and Management, graduates can hold the following positions: head (manager, director) of business structures of various forms of ownership, state and municipal institutions and organizations; manager of enterprise associations, institutions, organizations and their divisions; head (chief, head) of structural subdivisions of the organization (plant, department, shop, section, department); President of the Company, Chairman of the Supervisory Board; manager of a banking institution; manager of administrative activities; project and development program manager; enterprise management consultant; supply manager, sales manager, public relations manager, eco-manager, energy manager, logistics manager, freight forwarding, human resources, commercial, healthcare, public opinion research , consultations on business and management, market research, social and corporate responsibility manager; head of the personnel department; assistant manager, deputy director; specialist in strategic planning; legislator, civil officer, manager in local state administrations and their structural subdivisions, local self-government bodies, incl. in united territorial communities; councilor, consultant, secretary of local councils; specialist of executive bodies of local councils; main activity officer; creative director, director of economics, director of marketing; head of a small enterprise in industry, construction, wholesale and retail trade, transport and communications, commercial, consumer services, etc.; professional in the fields of civil service, audit, labor and employment, marketing, business efficiency, rationalization of production and intellectual property; economist in logistics, analysis of economic activity, international trade, planning, financial work, sales, pricing; investment analyst (banking), lending, financial analyst; economic adviser, consultant on economic issues; head of transportation departments of commercial organizations; cross-logistician; manager of transport, freight forwarding and transport and warehousing enterprises; officials in the transport departments of public authorities, at customs; specialist in functional design and transport management; architect of intelligent transport control systems; manager of intermodal transport hubs; dispatcher of information systems and technologies in transport sphere; transport network security specialist; head of sales department; brand manager, product manager, marketing and advertising manager; marketing analyst, internet marketer; copywriter; CEO-manager, SMM-manager, PR-manager.

 The Faculty of Economics and Management actively cooperates with the following institutions and organizations: Ternopil City Council, Zbarazh City Council, Ternopil Regional State Administration, Department of Health of Khmelnytsky Regional State Administration, Ternopil Regional State Administration, Kremenets Regional State Administration, Baikiv, Zolotopotik, Skalat, Ostroh united territorial communities); LLC "Vatra Corporation"; Ternopil Radio Plant "Orion", PE "MAGNETIC VAN", LLC Ternopilbud, PJSC "Ternopil Mine", LLC "SE BORDENETCE-Ukraine", PJSC "Ternopil Dairy Plant", PJSC "Ternopilmiskgaz", LLC "Mykulynetskyy brovar", confectionery factory ”TerA", ME "Ternopilvodokanal", LLC "Spetsbud", LLC "Ternobudmekhanizatsiya", State Ecological Inspectorate in Ternopil region, ME "Ternopil City Children's Municipal Hospital", ME "Ternopil Regional Children's Clinical Hospital", ME "Kremenets district hospital ", ME" Ternopil City Medical and Diagnostic Center ", Medical Center LLC" Oxford Medical Ternopil ", Institution “Regional Development Agency in Ternopil region; LLC Bravery ”Opillya”; ALT-START LLC; PJSC "Ternopilmiskgaz", Agency for smart internet solutions "Wise Solutions", Marketing Center "Dali", communications agency "Advertiser", LLC "MOST-UKRAINE", LLC "Unisoftlab", PE "MAGNETIKVAN", LLC "TISO”, PE "Borpro", ALC "Bulat", LLC "Ternopil Machine-Building Plant", PJSC "Ternopil Poultry ", LLC "Sambir Poultry", LLC "ANT", ISE "TYPE", LLC "Elite Snail", etc., where the students also have an opportunity to gain practical experience, participate in internships, to apply for a job.

 International activities of the Faculty of Economics and Management. The permanent changes inherent in social progress are gaining scale in all its dimensions: cultural, which increases attention to multiculturalism, creativity and humanism; scientific, aimed at forming a single scientific space, offshoring of knowledge processes and gradual regional intellectual specialisation; educational, with the inherent aspects of internationalisation of higher education institutions aimed at acquiring soft competencies by students and forming "knowledge capital". An important area of activity of the Faculty of Economics and Management is the internationalisation of activities to ensure the quality of educational services, the development of international cooperation, and the competitiveness of research and graduates in the labour market. During 2018-2021, the Faculty implemented the international project "International mobility - opportunity and problem. Proper preparation for studying at a foreign university" (project number - 2018-1-PL01-KA203-050756) within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme (Strategic Partnership).
The practice of scientific and practical life of the Faculty is the organization of International Schools of Management and Public Administration, which the Faculty has been organizing annually in cooperation with the Wroclaw University of Economics since 2011. The purpose of these schools is to study the experience and mechanism of effective management in organizations of various fields of activity, the implementation of public administration and local self-government in Poland and other countries of the European Union, the development of non-formal education, the improvement of professional competencies, the acquisition of additional "soft" skills in multichannel communications in Polish.

The School of Leaders of Effective Management, which works to develop professional management competencies in undergraduate and graduate students, form leadership qualities, the ability to self-determination, self-development and self-realization in society, stimulate students' creative work, and activate young people, is effectively operating at the Faculty of Economics and Management.

The Department of Marketing has a laboratory of neuromarketing and advertising, which is used, among other things, to organize students' research. In particular, neuroelectronic equipment (EEG, Eye tracker), a graphic tablet, a photo box, a digital and 360 camera, a stabilizer, tripods and monopods, blogger kits, a projector and screen, and mobile loops are used to conduct experiments, branded photo zone 2*4m, professional voice recorder, frame area for interviews with changeable backgrounds, professional lighting, projector and screen for the projector, flipchart and auxiliary materials (colored markers, A3 paper), etc. , as well as NeuroLab CoolTool software.

The Faculty of Economics and Management has a well-established practice of involving scientists from foreign partner universities of WUNU from Poland and Lithuania (Aneta Zielinska, Piotr Pachuski, Irena Leliugene) in guest lectures, master classes, and trainings.

 Professors of the Faculty of Economics and Management actively conduct scientific activity. Scientific research is carried out at the request of state institutions, private enterprises and local self-government bodies at the Departments of the Faculty. Students of the faculty are also involved in scientific research, and many of them continue their studies in postgraduate and doctoral programs at West Ukrainian National University.

In September 2010, the student newspaper “ViPersona” was founded at the Faculty of Economics and Management. Students organize themed parties (watching movies, holding various games, broadcasting football matches, and organizing outdoor activities). The faculty conducts interesting quests and organizes and prepares students for the festival competition "Student Lyre", which they often win.


 If you have any questions аbout:

admission +380685151315, Andrii Kotsur

moving into a dormitory +380685151315, Andrii Kotsur, +38 096 457 70 98 Ovsyanyuk-Berdadina Oleksandra 

organization of the educational process +380677758251, Lilia Hrabovetska; +380971307846, Halyna Vertsimaha, +38 096 457 70 98 Ovsyanyuk-Berdadina Oleksandra 

submission of certificates, applications, etc. +380677758251, Lilia Hrabovetska +380971307846, Halyna Vertsimaha

cooperation with scientists + 380677270127 Voloshyn Roman, +380964577098 Oleksandra Ovsianiuk-Berdadina

International student mobility +380966788691 Monastyrskyi Hryhorii


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Our contact information:

Address: 3 Peremohy Square, (WUNU Building 3, room 3103), Ternopil, 46020
Phone: +38 (0352) 51-75-36
Email: feu@wunu.edu.ua