Global inclusive economy: the path to shared development
Bohdan Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations of West Ukrainian National University hosted the first school "Global Inclusive Economy: The Path to Shared Development", which was attended by students of the International Economic Relations, International Management and International Economics study programmes.
Ukrainian Quality Assurance Forum
Motivational conference by a Swiss expert in negotiation and mediation
The staff of the Education and Research Institute of Communications of WUNU invites everyone to take part in the motivational conference "KYF© - Know yourself first! Methodology of surpassing yourself and achieving success", which will be held on 25 October at 12 pm in West Ukrainian National University, room 11103.
Conference "Modern communication systems as a direction of international legal, foreign policy, television, radio and network communication"
The staff of the Department of International Law and Migration Policy of West Ukrainian National University together with the NGO "Ukrainian Centre for Human Rights and Development of Educational Innovations", the Department of International Law, European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, the Department of Information and Computer Systems and Management of WUNU and the Department of Law of Kyiv University for Market Relations invite everyone to take part in the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the memory of the Ukrainian communications officer Valentyn Titko.
#ErasmusDays2023 Information Session
Model UN WUNU-2023/2
The Model UN is an educational model of one of the most influential international organisations. The participants of the event act as diplomats who participate in the work of the UN bodies. Following the procedural rules of the organisation, they represent the interests of different countries, discuss the problems of the world's regions and propose ways to solve them.