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Workshop "Russia's invasion of Ukraine and its influence on global economy"

 As part of the Fourth International Week, the workshop "Russia's invasion of Ukraine and its influence on the global economy" will be held at West Ukrainian National University on September 7 at 12:00 p.m. The event will be moderated by Anton Filipenko (D.Sc. (Econ), prof., President of the Ukrainian Association of International Economists) and Roman Zvarych (D.Sc. (Econ), prof., Head of the Department of International Economic Relations, Council member of the Ukrainian Association of International Economists").

Meeting ID: 971 005 0825.
Passcode: 2022.

Join the fun!

Programme for the 4th International Week

 The Fourth International Week will soon begin at West Ukrainian National University. The event is full of exciting events, interesting speakers and lecturers from all over the world. It's a combination of education and scientific research, personal development and overcoming boundaries, implementation of key international principles and standards in education and science and friendly meetings.

Fourth International Week at WUNU

 We are pleased to announce that during 6-9th September, the Fourth International Week will be held at West Ukrainian National University. This is a unique opportunity to unite participants from different countries and universities of the world and create a community of people who will present the latest research concepts, exchange ideas and developments in order to expand and strengthen cooperation between partner institutions in international project activities.

Official closing ceremony of the Third International School of World Educational Practices "New Way"

 The Third International School of World Educational Practices "New Way" was held in a dignified, interesting and professional manner! For two weeks, the participants and speakers discussed the current issues of international partnership and communication in the modern globalized world, the art of negotiations in various fields, the prospects for the development of mediation and the culture of tolerant interaction during an extremely difficult time for Ukraine.

2022 Nanning International Elite Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

 We invite scientists, graduate and undergraduate students to join the 2022 Nanning International Elite Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (China). The competition is aimed at attracting talent from different countries to implement innovations and expand business by selecting projects for their further financing.

3rd International School of World Educational Practices "New Way"

 On July 4, the Third International School of World Educational Practices "New Way" was officially opened. The coordinator and moderator of the event is the director of WUNU Education and Research Institute of Communications, Oksana Koval. Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University (Georgia) and the Netherlands Business Academy (Netherlands) are the international partners of the school.

Summer School "Leader of Law - 2022"

 The Faculty of Law of West Ukrainian National University has been organizing the summer school "Leader of Law" for years. This is a great opportunity for ambitious high school students to improve their knowledge of law, international law and law enforcement.

Lecture "Polish and European Business Law"

 The School of Polish and European Law invites students and teachers to participate in the lecture "Polish and European Law of Business Associations". Date: June 3 at 11:00

Lecturer: Krzysztof Oplustil, professor, habilitated doctor of the Jagiellonian University.

International Scientific and Practical Conference "Transformational Processes of the Social and Humanitarian Sphere of Modern Ukraine in the Conditions of War: Challenges, Problems and Prospects"

 The International Scientific and Practical Conference "Transformational Processes of the Social and Humanitarian Sphere of Modern Ukraine in the Conditions of War: Challenges, Problems and Prospects" organized by the staff of the Social and Humanitarian Faculty started today at West Ukrainian National University.

II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Entrepreneurship and Logistics in Today's Challenging Times"

 The classical university of Ternopil hosted the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Entrepreneurship and logistics in today's challenging times", organized by the Department of Entrepreneurship and Trade, Faculty of Economics and Management. The conference was attended by over 80 participants from Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and other countries.