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Working meeting with representatives of the Councils of Young Scientists

 On February 18, at the initiative of the Regional Coordinator of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, WUNU Professor Roman Zvarych, a working meeting of representatives of the Councils of Young Scientists of Ternopil region universities was held.

Meeting with the Assistant Honorary Consul of the Republic of Senegal in Ukraine

 Recently, students and teachers of the classical university of Ternopil had the opportunity to talk with Liliia Krysovata, the Assistant Honorary Consul of the Republic of Senegal in Ukraine.

WUNU welcomes the Ukrainian Academy of Leadership

 West Ukrainian National University welcomed the students of the Ukrainian Leadership Academy in Ternopil uner the slogan "Discover yourself - discover Ukraine!".

Cambridge Assessment English seminars

 As part of West Ukrainian National University's cooperation with the Grade Educational Center (Kyiv), students and teachers of the ERIAET Foreign Language Training and Research Center took part in educational webinars dedicated to preparing for the Cambridge exams in the spring of 2022.

Meeting with representatives of ELEKS

 Recently, as part of dual education, students of the educational programme "International Economics" met with representatives of "ELEKS" company.

Meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Tunisia

 Students of the educational programmes "International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies" and "Eastern Studies" continue to acquire practical skills in the diplomatic field. 

Launch of International Relations Mentoring School

 B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations of West Ukrainian National University, with the support of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Senegal in Ternopil, is launching International Relations Mentoring School (IRM School).

International internship of WUNU teachers in mediation

 The non-violent culture and dialogue are taught at the Education and Research Institute of Communications together with the Rector of the Netherlands Business Academy, President of the International Mediation Association, practicing mediator, coach, trainer, Professor Jan van Zwieten.

Take part in Clarivate webinars

 Attention scientists of the classical university of Ternopil! Clarivate is holding webinars from January 20 to January 27. The use of the Web of Science platform and the InCites analytical tool will be discussed

Meeting Dmytro Derkach

 Ternopil Business School invites everyone to take part in the online meeting "Customer Loyalty and Brand Love or How to Achieve Commitment" with an international lawyer, businessman, co-owner of the cinema network "Planeta Kino", as well as the brand Pumpidup and IT company "Iwis" - Dmytro Derkach.