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Simulated court hearing "Administrative expulsion of a foreign student"

 Recently, Ukrainian and foreign students of the Faculty of Law of West Ukrainian National University majoring in "International Law" took part in a simulated court hearing "Administrative expulsion of a foreign student."

Meet a successful Ukrainian businessman

 On November 25, at 5 pm, meet one of the outstanding and extraordinary representatives of Ukrainian business, an expert in business development, sales and pricing - Vitalii Kupchak. Ternopil Business School invites everyone to join the online event!

Western Ukrainian Forum "IT Prospects"

 The Faculty of Computer Information Technologies of West Ukrainian National University pays great attention to new educational initiatives for the development of IT education and introduction of world best practices in training of IT specialists to ensure they are competitive and guaranteed employment, in particular in IT companies.

Announcing Scientific Internet Conference of Students and Young Scientists

 On November 25, the Department of Management, Public Administration and Personnel of WUNU Faculty of Economics and Management is holding a scientific online conference of students and young scientists on "Innovative Technologies in Management and Public Administration".

Open lecture "Digitization and advance of smart cities"

 An open lecture was given by Oleksandr Dluhopolskyi, Doctor of Economics, Professor of West Ukrainian National University. More than 200 participants from various higher education institutions who took part in the Autumn School discussed the topic "Digitalization and advance of smart cities" within the framework of Jean Monnet module "European experience in technology transfer for Ukrainian universities".

International seminar "Tips on writing and publishing economic papers"

 Within the framework of international cooperation of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting of West Ukrainian National University, a seminar on the methods of writing and publishing economic research in US journals was held on November 10.

Participate in an international seminar

 Within the framework of international cooperation, the Faculty of Finance and Accounting invites teachers, scientists, graduate and undergraduate students of West Ukrainian National University to participate in the international seminar "Tips on writing and publishing economics papers" about methods of writing and submitting research to US journals.

WUNU students talked to young people from universities in Germany and Africa

  An online meeting of students from universities in Germany, Africa and Ukraine was organized by the School of International Communications of the Classical University of Ternopil. The purpose of the event was to improve intercultural communication and develop international cooperation.

Student debate at WUNU

 As part of the celebration of the All-Ukrainian Week of Financial Literacy, the second-year students of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting conducted student debates on current financial issues today. Boys and girls of FPS-21 and FM-21 took part in the event.

A meeting with businesswoman Anna Gorkun

 Education and Research Institute "Ternopil Business School" of West Ukrainian National University invites everyone to participate in a meeting with one of the youngest businesswomen of large business in Ukraine, owner and CEO of wine company "46 Parallel Wine Group" and CEO of "Inkerman Ukraine" - Anna Gorkun. The event will be held on November 11 at 17:00. Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3284413912