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International internship of WUNU teachers in mediation

 The non-violent culture and dialogue are taught at the Education and Research Institute of Communications together with the Rector of the Netherlands Business Academy, President of the International Mediation Association, practicing mediator, coach, trainer, Professor Jan van Zwieten.

Take part in Clarivate webinars

 Attention scientists of the classical university of Ternopil! Clarivate is holding webinars from January 20 to January 27. The use of the Web of Science platform and the InCites analytical tool will be discussed

Meeting Dmytro Derkach

 Ternopil Business School invites everyone to take part in the online meeting "Customer Loyalty and Brand Love or How to Achieve Commitment" with an international lawyer, businessman, co-owner of the cinema network "Planeta Kino", as well as the brand Pumpidup and IT company "Iwis" - Dmytro Derkach.

Meeting with the first President of the Republic of Senegal

 A new project #Diplomatic_art_challenge starts as part of the "Public Diplomacy Studies" initiative at B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations.

During the first meeting, set for December 21 at 14:00, the participants will talk about Léopold Sédar Senghor - the first President of the Republic of Senegal, diplomat and poet.

Join the event via ZOOM:

Meeting ID: 968 8021 6648
Password: 2112221

Graduation of students of the project "Norway - Ukraine. Professional adaptation. Integration into the state system (NUPASS)"

 On December 17, diplomas were awarded during the official graduation ceremony for students of the retraining programme for servicemen, veterans and their families. WUNU carries out the programme within the project "Norway - Ukraine. Professional adaptation. Integration into the state system"(NUPASS).

Round table "Current conditions and trends in the development of control and audit"

 Recently, West Ukrainian National University hosted a scientific and practical round table on "Current conditions and trends in control and audit" organized by the Department of Financial Control and Audit (Faculty of Finance and Accounting).

Meeting with the diplomat Zenon Koval

 Students and teachers of West Ukrainian National University and the Ukrainian Catholic University met with professional diplomat Zenon Koval. The diplomat told the audience about his work for the UN and UNESCO, some extraordinary moments of his professional career, and answered questions from participants.

Round table "Accounting and Taxation in the 21st Century: A New Generation of Professionals"

 Recently, West Ukrainian National University hosted a round table "Accounting and Taxation in the 21st Century: A New Generation of Professionals". Organizer - Department of Accounting and Taxation of the Classical University of Ternopil. The aim - discussion of modern aspects of accounting, taxation, reporting and the accounting profession in different countries. The event was joined by scientists, teachers and youth from Ukraine, India, China, Iran, Ghana and Rwanda.

International Specialized Seminar

 Join the 3rd International Specialized Seminar "Global Inclusion: Economic, Social, and Medical Determinants" on December 2 at 11:00. Organizer: Department of International Relations and Diplomacy of B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations.

Co-Organizers: School of Economics and Management of Public Administration in Bratislava (Slovakia) and Kharkiv National Medical University (Ukraine).

Meet Anna Krysiuk, Founder and President of Business Woman Club

 On December 1, at 11.00, as part of the project "Public Diplomacy Studies 3.0", B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations is hosting a meeting with Anna Krysiuk, head of the charity fund "Greening of Ukraine", initiator of the global eco-project "Greening of the Planet", president of the Business Woman Club, founder of the international magazine "Business Wowan". Participants will talk about environmental diplomacy, initiatives that unite people and caring about our planet.

ZOOM ID: 361 026 0781
Password: 123456