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Green Day at the University!

 Green Day at the University will be held at the Education and Research Institute of Innovation, Nature Management and Infrastructure of West Ukrainian National University!

Meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Ukraine

 West Ukrainian National University hosted an online meeting of students of the International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies study programme with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Ukraine Seymur Mardaliyev as part of the project "Diplomacy and International Cooperation" developed by the Head of the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy Oksana Tulai.

National seminar "Experience of implementing climate management training in the educational and professional programme of higher education and the performance of climate management centres"

 Within the framework of the project 619119-EPP-1-2020-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP CLIMAN (Erasmus+ Programme), the National Seminar "Experience of implementing climate management training in the educational and professional programme of higher education and the performance of climate management centres" was held at Lviv Polytechnic National University.

Interactive educational and practical event "Diplomatic Lviv: Places, People, Projects"

 Students and the Head of the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy of the Bohdan Havrylyshyn Institute of International Relations, at the invitation of Vasyl Hulai, Head of the Department of International Information of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Basic Sciences of Lviv Polytechnic National University, and Associate Professor Vira Maksymets, took part in an interactive educational and practical excursion "Diplomatic Lviv: Places, People, Projects", conducted by Associate Professor of the Department of International Information of Lviv Polytechnic National University, Liubomyr Khakhula.

Meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Ukraine

 Within the framework of the Diplomacy and International Cooperation project, on 4 June at 12:50 pm, students of the International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies study programme will meet with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Ukraine, Seymur Mardaliyev.

An event to support our valiant heroes

 An event in support of our brave soldiers was held at West Ukrainian National University. This is our way of helping and expressing our gratitude to the soldiers who are defending our land! The event raised funds to purchase FPV drones for the 3rd separate assault brigade and the 105th separate territorial defence brigade.

Lecture "Case law of the EU Court of Justice in the field of copyright"

 The School of Polish and European Law invites students and lecturers of West Ukrainian National University to attend the lecture "Case law of the EU Court of Justice in the field of copyright", which will be held on 31 May at 17:30.

International Scientific and Practical Conference "Current Issues and Integration Trends in the Development of the Hospitality Industry and International Business"

 On 24-26 May 2024, at the initiative of the Department of International Tourism and Hospitality Business of the Bohdan Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations, an International Scientific and Practical Conference on modern vectors of the hospitality industry and international business was held.

International conference "Challenges of modern economy development"

 The Yerevan Education and Research Institute of West Ukrainian National University brought together educators, scientists, and researchers for the International Conference "Challenges of Modern Economy Development".

Lecture "Consumer protection under Polish and EU law"

 The School of Polish and European Law invites students and lecturers of West Ukrainian National University to attend the lecture "Consumer Protection under Polish and EU Law", which will be held on 24 May at 14:00.