Cooperation with the Global Connective Center, USA

Today, a cooperation agreement was signed between West Ukrainian National University and the Global Connective Center (USA).

WUNU academic community!

 Within the scope of cooperation between West Ukrainian National University and the University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow (Republic of Poland), a competitive selection is announced among WUNU teachers for week-long teaching exchange and among WUNU students for semester exchange (students majoring in Economics, Public Administration and Management, Social Work, or Ecology).

Working meeting with colleagues from the University of Nairobi

 Within the framework of the signed memorandum on cooperation between West Ukrainian National University and the University of Nairobi (Republic of Kenya), a working meeting was held between the director of B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations Iryna Ivashchuk, deputy director for international affairs Viktoria Homotiuk and director of the Directorate for Corporate Affairs of the University of Nairobi John Orindi and International Department Administrator Eric Chesoni.

Cooperation with CERGE-EI Foundation

 A memorandum of understanding was signed between West Ukrainian National University and the Foundation of the Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, New York, USA.

International Office informs

 Attention postgraduate students of WUNU!

The PhD course "ECO9001 Contemporary Streams of Institutional Theory and Their Application to Management and Accounting (" is to be held as part of the cooperation of West Ukrainian National University with Nord University (Kingdom of Norway).

International Office Informs

 We invite people who are interested in project activities to take part in an informational meeting with the Jean Monnet expert of the Erasmus+ National Office in Ukraine - Petro Krainyk.

Intern in Slovakia!

 WUNU International Relations Office encourages 4th-year bachelor's students and 1st-year master's students who study business administration, logistics, marketing, IT and whose English is at least at B2 level, to take part in the competitive selection for an internship in Slovakia in 2023, within the framework of the Erasmus + programme. The training period is 5 months in companies corresponding to educational training programmes.

Cooperation in the field of health economics

 Today, an online meeting was held at Ternopil's classical university with Christian Thielscher, a partner from Germany in the field of medical economics.

 International relations students are participants of the virtual project "Working Across Borders"

 For the second year in a row, students of the Department of International Economic Relations of B. Havrylyshyn Educationa and Research Institute of International Economic Relations are participating in the international virtual project "Working Across Borders", which is implemented as an educational platform of UC LeuvenLimburg University (Belgium).

Mediation unites countries

 It is no secret that the issue of training highly professional negotiation and mediation specialists has been gaining momentum since the adoption of the Law on Mediation in Ukraine. Therefore, WUNU Education and Research Institute of Communications is actively involved in the development of nonviolent communication and is rapidly building new platforms for development in this area, combining the knowledge and practical experience of teachers and practicing mediators from different countries of the world.