International Office informs
WUNU teachers participate in the International Winter School and training at the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts
During November 14-18, scientists of the Department of Information and Computing Systems and Management, undergraduate and graduate students majoring in "Computer Science" visited the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Germany) to participate in the annual International Winter School in the field of IT and a training week for teachers.
New avenues of cooperation with Hungary
Participation in «The second Bi-annual Negotiation Conference-2022»
On November 11, at the invitation of Professor William Baber of Kyoto University (Japan), teachers and students of the educational and professional programme "Psychology of Negotiations and Mediation" took part in the international conference on negotiations "The second Bi-annual Negotiation Conference-2022".
British instructors conducted first aid training at WUNU
As part of the implementation of the cooperation agreement between West Ukrainian National University and the Directorate-General for Rendering Services to Diplomatic Missions, instructors Grant Bailey and Paul William from the British international organization "Akkadian" visited our university. The guests conducted a class on providing first medical aid to students majoring in "Law enforcement", military personnel. Anyone interested could join.
Rector of WUNU Andriy Krysovatyy, introducing the guests, noted: "Ukraine needs support today. We thank everyone who shares their knowledge and skills with Ukrainians. Such training sessions increase the chances of saving lives and aiding those who suffered from the horrors of war."
The event began with the discussion of PTSD and support that can be given to those who suffer from it. Those present carefully listened to the lecturers, trying to get as much useful information as possible.
The practical part of the workshop on the evacuation of victims from dangerous zones was conducted by Paul William. Students and soldiers practiced the basics of tactical medicine with Grant William. New experience and effective advice were the results for thet young people who actively participated in the training: some acted as victims, others as rescuers.
We thank the British specialists for the visit and training! Together to victory!
International Office Informs
The European Commission and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) are organizing a worldwide webinar dedicated to the opening of calls and innovations of the EU Erasmus+ Programme for 2023. The participants of the webinar (from November 7 to 10, 2022) will have a unique opportunity to get better acquainted with all aspects and benefits of this programme.
Rating of students who passed the competitive selection for semester studies at the University of Economics in Poznań
Congratulations to the students who passed the competitive selection for semester studies at the University of Economics in Poznań (Republic of Poland) during the spring semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. Viktoria Helias (group BKP-32) was the first in the rating with a total score of 94, Liubov Yurchak (BKP-31) was the second with a score of 92 points.
New international community in the field of mediation and negotiations
One of the main tasks of the Education and Research Institute of Communications is to create a high-quality platform for training and networking of students of the School of Negotiations and Mediation. Therefore, the staff of the institute is working on establishing new perspective relations in this field with organizations and institutions from different countries of the world.
Visit to the Republic of Azerbaijan
ERI of Communications expands its international cooperation
Mediation has proven itself as an effective way of resolving conflicts in most countries of the world and is gradually covering all spheres of life. Each state that introduces mediation decides independently which model of mediation will best suit its legal system and cultural traditions. Gaining experience, exchanging ideas, creating joint projects together with representatives of leading centers in the field of mediation and practicing mediators is one of the tasks of the School of Negotiations and Mediation of WUNU Education and Research Institute of Communications.