Internship of WUNU teachers at InHolland University of Applied Sciences

 From 15 to 29 May, Larysa Verhun (Associate Professor of International Economic Relations, B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations) underwent an internship at the InHolland University of Applied Sciences (Alkmaar, Kingdom of the Netherlands). The visit was at the invitation of a partner university within the scope of the Erasmus+ academic mobility programme.

Professional development course for civil servants within the Jean Monnet project

 West Ukraine National University has launched professional development courses "Practice of implementing local management in the EU" for civil servants and officials of local governments. The training course is organized within the ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet programme of the European Union, aimed at implementing the objectives of the project 612067-EPP-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE "European regional policy: a balance of local, national and pan-European interests".

Erasmus + Virtual Exchanges

 Competition within the scope of the EU Erasmus+ KA1 Programme. Virtual exchanges in the field of higher education and youth.

International internship of students of WUNU Education and Research Institute of Communications at the Netherlands Business Academy

 At the end of February, students, future negotiators, were scheduled to undertake an international internship at the Netherlands Business Academy. The program included a trip to Dordrecht, training at the III International Summer School of World Educational Practices "New Way" in Batumi, a large-scale international conference and presentation of a new educational programme "Psychology of Negotiation and Mediation".

Webinar "Exceptional measures for the integration of Ukrainian educators in projects on mobility in higher education in Europe under the Erasmus+ programme during the war in Ukraine"

 In order to create conditions for the support of Ukrainian educators during the war within the approved European Union Directives E+/NA/DIR/2022/017, E+/NA/DIR/2022/019 and E+/NA/DIR/2022/021, the European Commission informs about implementation of exceptional measures under the projects of KA1 - International Mobility in Higher Education, aimed at promoting the integration of representatives from Ukraine into the educational process in European universities during the war.

First meeting within the Twinning Initiative

 At the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, West Ukrainian National University has joined the Twinning Initiative programme launched by the British higher education consulting company "Cormack Consultancy Group".

Project launch under Jean Monnet programme

 April 18 marked the grand opening of the project 101048216-REFRAG-ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH "Regional integration: A European benchmark in the face of the challenges of global fragmentation (REFRAG") under the Jean Monnet Programme.

Volunteer help from our Polish colleagues

 Ukraine is gaining more and more support from the international community. All concerned people in the world help Ukrainians in the fight against the enemy. Our colleagues from Poland sent yet another shipment to help our defenders.

Heart to heart

 Due to the war, West Ukrainian National University has become a logistics center, which receives humanitarian aid from foreign partner organizations, distributes it and sends it to different parts of our long-suffering Ukraine.

Online meeting of the consortium of the international project MEDIATS

 On April 6, representatives of eleven universities - members of the consortium of the international project MEDIATS - talked about the development of mediation in the world.