Project launch under Jean Monnet programme

 April 18 marked the grand opening of the project 101048216-REFRAG-ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH "Regional integration: A European benchmark in the face of the challenges of global fragmentation (REFRAG") under the Jean Monnet Programme.

Volunteer help from our Polish colleagues

 Ukraine is gaining more and more support from the international community. All concerned people in the world help Ukrainians in the fight against the enemy. Our colleagues from Poland sent yet another shipment to help our defenders.

Heart to heart

 Due to the war, West Ukrainian National University has become a logistics center, which receives humanitarian aid from foreign partner organizations, distributes it and sends it to different parts of our long-suffering Ukraine.

Online meeting of the consortium of the international project MEDIATS

 On April 6, representatives of eleven universities - members of the consortium of the international project MEDIATS - talked about the development of mediation in the world.

Meeting with the coordinator of the Dutch training programme "Great Negotiators"

 Recently, Oksana Koval, Interim Director of WUNU Education and Research Institute of Communications met with David van der Griend, a negotiator and coordinator of the "Great Negotiators" Dutch educational programme.

Rector of WUNU met with Honorary Consul of the Republic of Croatia in the Western Region

 The Rector of West Ukrainian National University had a working meeting with the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Croatia in the Western Region Vitalii Zapukhliak at the classical university of Ternopil.

International meeting of representatives of the scientific community of Ukraine, Poland and Georgia

 On February 16, an international meeting of representatives of the scientific community of Ukraine, Poland and Georgia was held at West Ukrainian National University. Within the framework of the new university initiative of scientific and practical cooperation "Environmental Security and Globalization Challenges" deans and heads of departments of Ternopil's classical university, representatives of the University of Warmia and Mazury and Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University discussed the start of environmental cooperation.

Attention WUNU employees!

 The Powyslansk Higher School (Kwidzyn, Poland) invites faculty of the classical university of Ternopil to take part in the III International Week, which will be held from 24 to 28 May 2022.

WUNU launches a new intensive "Japanese studies" course

 Within the framework of the signed Memorandum of Understanding between the classical university of Ternopil and the Kobe Gakuin University (Japan), B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations is launching an intensive course in "Japanese Studies".

Cooperation with EBSCO

 Department of International Economics (B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations) signed a license agreement with EBSCO (Massachusetts, USA) to include the Journal of European Economy in the database on economics, business and management.

EBSCO is the largest aggregator of scientific resources of the world's leading publications. Inclusion of JEE in EBSCO databases will provide the scientists of all educational institutions of the world with access to the papers of the Journal.

The editorial board of the Journal of European Economy invites teachers, economists-practitioners, graduate students and doctoral students, and PhDs  to cooperate.