Competitive selection for semester studies at the Inholland University of Applied Sciences!

 Dear students who have applied for semester studies at the Inholland University of Applied Sciences! The competitive selection will be held on 28 March 2024 at 14:30 in room 1417.

Studying at the University of Warmia and Mazury under the Erasmus+ programme

 We invite 2nd year students of West Ukrainian National University, majoring in 081 Law, 291 International Law and 262 Law Enforcement, to take part in the competitive selection for the autumn semester (5 months of study) of the academic year 2024/2025 at the University of Warmia and Mazury (Olsztyn, Poland).

Semester studies at the University of Applied Sciences in Šibenik!

 The University of Applied Sciences of Šibenik (Šibenik, Croatia) invites 2nd and 3rd year students of West Ukrainian National University majoring in Business Administration, Business Communication and Translation, Law, or Information and Communication Technologies to take part in a competitive selection to study in Šibenik for 6 months during the first semester of 2024/2025 academic year.

Natolin Fellowship Programme 2024-2025 for young scientists in Ukraine!

 Applications for the prestigious Natolin Fellowship Programme 2024-2025 for young scientists from Ukraine are now open.

Studying at the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Germany) under the Erasmus+171 programme

 The Fachhochschule Dortmund offers WUNU students majoring in IT an opportunity to compete for a free Master's degree with a scholarship.

Study at the Inholland University of Applied Sciences

 Students of the Department of International Economic Relations of the B.D. Havrylyshyn Institute of International Relations of WUNU have a rare opportunity to study at the Inholland University of Applied Sciences.

International Week at Powiślański University

 We invite the faculty and staff of West Ukrainian National University to take part in the International Week organised by the Poznan University (Gdansk, Poland) on 22-26 May 2024.

Studying at the Inholland University of Applied Sciences under the Erasmus+ programme

 Yulia Horbal, a 2nd year student of the Department of International Economic Relations at B.D. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations of West Ukrainian National University, tells about her semester-long study at the Inholland University of Applied Sciences under the Erasmus+ programme.

Study at Inholland University under the Erasmus+ programme

 Karyna Zverieva, a 2nd year student of the Department of International Economic Relations at West Ukrainian National University, is currently studying at the Inholland University of Applied Sciences under the Erasmus+ programme.

Internships for students at the Turiba University!

 Within the framework of the project "Synergy of education, science, management and industry for climate management and mitigation"/CLIMAN 619119-EPP-1-2020-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (Erasmus+ programme) undertaken by the consortium that includes West Ukrainian National University, an internship for students is being organised at the Turiba University, Latvia, on 3-17 March 2024.