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Congratulations on the Independence Day of the Kingdom of Morocco!

18-11-2021, 17:00 News

 Dear Mr. Ambassador, dear partners! The staff and students of West Ukrainian National University express their sincere congratulations on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Kingdom of Morocco!

Meeting with the Director of Netherlands Business Academy

18-11-2021, 16:30 News

 Within the framework of the signed Memorandum of Cooperation, representatives of West Ukrainian National University conducted a scheduled meeting with the Director of Netherlands Business Academy Jan van Zwieten.

Congratulations on the Independence Day of Latvia!

18-11-2021, 14:52 News

 Dear Mr. Ambassador, dear partners! The teaching staff and students of West Ukrainian National University - Classical University of Ternopil sincerely congratulate you, our steadfast friends, on the Independence Day of the Republic of Latvia.

Results of the 2021 competitive selection of the Jean Monnet Erasmus + programme

17-11-2021, 16:00 News

 Project of West Ukrainian National University "Regional integration: European benchmark under the challenges of global fragmentation (REFRAG)" will be financed under the Jean Monnet programme.

Team members:

Mariia Lyzun (coordinator), Andriy Krysovatyy, Oksana Desyatnyuk, Ihor Lishchynskyy, Vitalina Kurylyak, Nataliia Kravchuk, Konstiantyn Flissak.

The REFRAG project will complement the existing ERegPol initiative, which is based on meso-regionalization processes.

Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy Shkarlet participated in the opening of the WUNU Sports Complex

16-11-2021, 20:00 News / Sport

 A momentous occasion was celebrated today at the Classical University of Ternopil - the official opening ceremony of the Sports Complex of West Ukrainian National University. Students, athletes, coaches, and teachers welcomed the guests: Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy Shkarlet, Head of Ternopil Regional State Administration Volodymyr Trush, and Ternopil Mayor Serhiy Nadal.

Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy Shkarlet took part in the work of the Academic Council of the Classical University of Ternopil!

16-11-2021, 17:33 News

 Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy Shkarlet visited the Western Ukrainian National University. During the working visit, the Minister talked to students, inspected the photo exhibition dedicated to the 55th anniversary of institution, left an inscription on the thematic photo area "Professor's workplace of the 60s" and visited the opening of the paintings of Iryna Ivashchuk, the director of B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations. Walking through the corridors, he visited the library of electronic resources, where university professors checked students' courseworks for plagiarism using the Unicheck service. 

Western Ukrainian Forum "IT Prospects"

15-11-2021, 20:30 News / Events

 The Faculty of Computer Information Technologies of West Ukrainian National University pays great attention to new educational initiatives for the development of IT education and introduction of world best practices in training of IT specialists to ensure they are competitive and guaranteed employment, in particular in IT companies.

Call for projects in science and projects in science and technology

15-11-2021, 19:30 News / Ministry of Education announcements

 Announcing the call for projects in science and technology financed by the external assistance instrument of the European Union for fulfillment of Ukraine's obligations the Framework programme of the European Union on scientific research and innovations "Horizon 2020".

Deadline for applications - December 20, 2021 until 17:00.

Detailed information at the link: https://mon.gov.ua/ua/nauka/nauka/konkursnij-vidbir-naukovih-naukovo-tehnichnih-robit-ta-proektiv 

Round table "Directions of cooperation of public authorities and local governments of Ukraine on social and professional adaptation of war veterans"

12-11-2021, 17:30 News / International and Ukrainian Conferences

 With the support of the International Foundation for Social Adaptation, the Classical University of Ternopil organized a round table "Directions of cooperation of public authorities and local governments of Ukraine on social and professional adaptation of war veterans" with the participation of state authorities and local governments within the framework of the signed agreement with the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine. The event was moderated by the rector of West Ukrainian National University Andriy Krysovatyy.

Announcing Scientific Internet Conference of Students and Young Scientists

12-11-2021, 16:30 News / Events / International and Ukrainian Conferences

 On November 25, the Department of Management, Public Administration and Personnel of WUNU Faculty of Economics and Management is holding a scientific online conference of students and young scientists on "Innovative Technologies in Management and Public Administration".