WUNU students conversed with the director of the audit services department of Deloitte
Recently, students of West Ukrainian National University, at the iniative of WUNU Ternopil Business School, had a chance to meet with Oleksii Zanoza, director of Deloitte's audit services department.
Oleksii spoke about the peculiarities of the audit department and described the career path open to each Deloitte employee.
Lecture on "World cadastre systems"
An open lecture will be held on November 5 at 9:30 am by Lev Perovych. He is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor and Acting Head of the Department of Land Resources Management at Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University. The lecture is open to students of educational programmes “Geodesy and Land Management” and “Expert Assessment of Land and Real Estate”.
Participants will talk on the topic "World cadastre systems".
We invite students and faculty to participate in the meeting: http://meet.google.com/pai-eozr-kzs
FCIT project competition in IT
The Faculty of Computer Information Technologies of West Ukrainian National University and the Ternopil IT Cluster are announcing a competition for projects of graduates of IT schools of FCIT.
The event will be held on November 12 at 14:00 online,
Zoom Meeting ID 524 288 1744, link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5242881744?pwd=cmY4VE5hMUlDVG5kR1VwNjNjajN4dz09#success
Semester studies at the University of Economics in Poznan (Republic of Poland) - results
International Conference "Advanced Computer Information Technologies" announces call for papers
Submission of papers for participation in the ACIT’2022 International Conference, which will take place June 9-11, 2022 in Spiška Kapitula, Slovakia, is open.
Competition for semester studies at the Higher Pedagogical Institution of Vienna
A competition is announced for the summer semester of the Higher Pedagogical Institution of Vienna (Austria) 2021-2022 academic year, within the framework of cooperation between the West Ukrainian National University and the Vienna Higher Pedagogical School. (Erasmus + project KA107 2020-1-AT01-KA107-077571).
Congratulations on the Republic Day of Turkey!
Signing of a memorandum with a leading HEI of the People's Republic of China
Take part in the seminar "Publishing For Young Researchers"
International scientific internship of WUNU lecturer at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow
Participation in scientific internships is always an invaluable experience of gaining new knowledge, ideas and impulses for further scientific achievements. Yaroslav Tchaikovskyy, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Banking, Faculty of Finance and Accounting, took part in the international internship of the Queen Jadwiga Scholarship Fund in the 2020/2021 academic year at the Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland).